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Final Reflection: I AM GROWTH

15 August 2021


It’s been 6 weeks now since this intermediate level started, such an amazing experience being able to participate in this GenerasiGIGIH program 🤩, and this reflection will be the last reflection in this intermediate level 😥.

As a front end/data student, what did I know 6 weeks ago and what do I know now?

Thinking back to 6 weeks ago 🤔

I’m just a person who just graduated from Vocational High School with not extensive knowledge about the Front end.

I can only make a simple website with Laravel, because that’s what my school teacher taught me. Outside of school learning, I also learn about React.js but only the basics.

When compared to now 😃
I am growth 😁

It’s clear that I’ve learned a lot about the Front end which made me realize that it’s very broad, and there’s still a lot that I need to explore more about the Front end.

What skills have I developed in the past 6 weeks? What skills do I need to develop now? (refer to your technical skill, English skill, and soft skill)

Thinking back to 6 weeks ago and then compare it with now 🤯

Compared to 6 weeks ago, my knowledge about React.js is getting wider. From the past I could only do basic things until now I can deploy my own web app results so that people can see them.

but it’s not finished yet 😀

In addition to improving my technical skills, my English skills have also improved thanks to classes from CAKAP, there are also webinars that can improve my soft skills.

What good habits did you learn by joining GenerasiGIGIH?

Continue to practice the abilities we have, such as by doing exercise or homework, have a more open mind to others as when we do exercise, we have discussions with the aim of making it easier for us to do exercise, also don’t forget to building reflective habits.

In percentage, measure how your learning process in GenerasiGIGIH have improved your chance to be hired or employed in your aspired field? Tell us your evidence.

I think my chances of getting hired or being employed in the field I want can increase by 50% to 60%, why would I think that? because before I joined this program, I was not sure if my previous skills could get me a job, and with the results of the learning process in the GenerasiGIGIH program it could increase my chances of being hired or employed in the field I want.

At the end of this technical class, are you proud of yourself? Why or Why not?

To be honest, at the end of the technical class, I felt quite proud of myself, because I was able to reach the current level, which is intermediate where there are only 300 people compared to the initial level (beginner). moreover I’m quite proud because I can reach the top 50 in this intermediate level. 🥳