How has this program changed your life during this lockdown period?
For me, this program had a really big impact on my life. I found out about this program when I was graduating from high school, at the beginning of school I only learned the C++ programming language, after that I was taught the PHP programming language which was continued to the framework, namely Laravel and because of this pandemic I was not taught directly by my teacher, but with the videos it provides from youtube. Well, in this program, I can learn more things even though online too, but there are mentors who help explain the material very well.
Could you please recommend any courses, books, or Youtube channels that have been useful to support your learning in GenerasiGIGIH?
There are quite a few things that I might be able to share and recommend to you guys. Alright, here it is…

I think that’s the only recommendation I can give, but don’t forget that there are things that also help in learning those are friends from the path itself :).
How do they manage their time and other activities or other responsibilities while still participating in GenerasiGIGIH?
To be honest, since I just graduated from school, and didn’t go to college, there wasn’t much to do. so I can more freely spend my time to participate in this program XD.
Tagline Challenge
#TotheTop inspired from anime called Haikyuu!!: To the Top. I think it can be a good tagline because in doing something, we should do it earnestly to be above others and be the number one.