Hi!, so this is my third weeks reflection before continuing study to the fourth week, I will share my experience about this third weeks of learning by answering the questions provided.
How do you feel? If you could describe your experience these past 3 weeks in a natural event, what would it be?

Sometimes I feel like, will I be able to do the given exercises and homework? and also every time I do the given exercise and homework I feel whether I’ve done it right?
I don’t really know what natural events really represent these third weeks of learning. But maybe this one can represent it
When this event occurs due to collisions between particles of ash, rock, and ice particles in this eruption collide, creating a static charge in the form of lightning. I collided with new materials, exercises, homework as well as others, creating an experience that I just experienced. A new experience that I that I only get in the Generasi Gigih Bootcamp.
From a scale of 1–100% how much have you put in the effort to participate in the learning process at #GenerasiGIGIH?

I think I’ll give 80% of effort I put into this Generasi Gigih Bootcamp, because I’ll always try my best to capture the learning and do the exercises as well as the homework given. And the rest of the effort I spend doing other things I like, like playing games, watching movies, etc.
If you could ask 1 question to your comrades in #GenerasiGIGIH, what would you like to ask?