Woohoo, I can’t believe it, now I’m about to enter my third week of studying at this Generasi Gigih Bootcamp, now I’m going to tell you about my learning experience over the past two weeks with the questions that have been provided and I will answer them.
Past: How much did you know about the subject before we started?
To be honest, before I joined this Generasi Gigih Bootcamp, I had time to learn about this material but only learned through tutorials on Youtube and learning websites.

Even then, I have studied it for quite a while and have started to forget ahaha, after finding out that YABB is holding a Bootcamp from Youtube Web Programming UNPAS.

I was interested in joining it, and when I visited the website I saw that there was a Frontend engineer path there and the lesson to be learned was React, I became more and more interested in joining this Bootcamp.
Present: How do you feel about your work this week (homework, assignment)? What parts do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?
I feel quite satisfied with the work like homework and assignment I have done at this time.
The part that I like the most is creating the logic for passing data through props and an interesting design for the homework that I do at the end of each session, because I really like design even though mine is not really good ahaha but I enjoy doing that work.
Future: How can you use this knowledge in future work?
In the future, I will use the knowledge and experience as a Frontend Engineer that I got from this Generasi Gigih Bootcamp as best as I can.